I just watched the film 'How The Beatles rocked the Kremlin' it was really really good. Tomorrow is my birthday and I have decided to do nothing! haha well to not celebrate it how some people would like me to, I plan on just spending time with myself and to reflect on my 20 years on this earth!, it is much needed. definitely. Things have (mentally) been kind of shakey lately and I really just need to go sit by a lake and relax like I used to, I remember on windy days the tiny waves would rush my way and its the most amazing feeling to have the water want to reach and hug you while the wind caresses your skin, I need more moments like that, I mean they are all around me, all the time, but I need to appreciate them a bit more than I have lately. Its a sad thing, after spending some time in one of the most beautiful places on earth, to come home and slowly accept, or get used to living indoors. It happens. I just need to see every space that I am in with the same amazement, and to see it holds the same beauty as anything else. This by the way is NGC 6357 and its beautiful massive stars.
Happy Birthday to me♥